Most of us appreciate our air conditioning systems immensely during Ohio’s humid summer temperatures. But, not many of us take the time to understand the elaborateness of these systems. Newark-Heath Heating & Cooling would like to outline the essential components of your air conditioner so that you may see just how intricate these systems are.
What Can I Gain From Recognizing an A/C’s Components?
Recognizing the components of your air conditioner and their intended purpose can support a safer approach to assessing and deciphering any concerns you may have regarding your HVAC system. This knowledge can deter any pricey undesirable breakdowns, conserve peak efficiency system functioning, and maintain a comforting household atmosphere for you and the ones you love. Our Newark-Heath Heating & Cooling professionals will now cover these seven major components of your HVAC system that are crucial for ensuring you stay nice and cool throughout the remainder of this summer and for future years.
What Are the Primary A/C Components?
- Expansion Valve: Modifies the proportion of refrigerant dismissed into the evaporator to alter the high heat of the refrigerant flowing out of the evaporator at a constant level.
- Air Filters: Protect your HVAC system while strengthening your home’s indoor air quality by eradicating contaminants such as dust, pet dander, and bacteria from the air flowing through your household’s system.
- Thermostat: Tells of the current temperature within your household, authorizing you to change that temperature as needed.
- Compressor: Tightly merges the refrigerant molecules, enhancing the refrigerant’s temperature and pressure. Since heat shifts from warm to cool surfaces, the heat in the high-temperature refrigerant shifts direction to the cooler air outdoors, where it disperses by way of the condenser.
- Condenser Coil: Once the refrigerant is pressurized and warmed in the compressor, it withdraws into the condenser coil.
- Evaporator Coil: Often assembled along with your furnace or within your air handler, the evaporator coil is the part of your AC system that pulls the heat from the air within your household. Fastened to your furnace or within your air handler, it operates alongside the condenser coil to complete the heat exchange process, generating cool air.
- Blower Fan: Is responsible for constant, productive air distribution throughout your A/C system.
Do I Need To Recognize Each Component of My A/C?
You don’t “need” to remember every inch of your air conditioner. We don’t ask you to be proficient in the area unless, of course, it’s in your job description. But, like everything else in life, broadening our knowledge will only benefit us. To quote American blues singer-songwriter B. B. King, “The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” So, even if your understanding of HVAC systems is scarce, don’t fear.
Don’t fear because Newark-Heath Heating & Cooling is here to help. Our HVAC aces are here to support you in all your HVAC needs. Though, please remember that these complex systems can be dangerous if not handled with care by a professional; this is why we recommend you contact us for all HVAC restorations and maintenance. We work hard to deliver high-quality services to our customers. Call Newark-Heath Heating & Cooling today at (740) 212-5849, or schedule an appointment now by clicking here!