by Susan Denisi | Jun 28, 2021 | Air Conditioner, HVAC
When it comes to HVAC equipment, timing is everything. And being proactive always pays off in the long run. Nevertheless, knowing when to replace a home’s central air conditioner can be tricky. Despite this, most homeowners know AC replacement is an important decision...
by Susan Denisi | May 7, 2021 | Air Conditioner, HVAC
Before homeowners had what we consider to be modern air conditioning, people used blocks of ice to cool their homes. In fact, output ratings on some of the first A/C’s were calculated based on how much ice would’ve been necessary to achieve the same cooling...
by Susan Denisi | Apr 30, 2021 | HVAC
Home maintenance is ten times as fun when you get to enjoy the fresh spring air while doing it! We at Newark-Heath Heating & Cooling are here to celebrate the fresh air by bringing you the following tips to prepare your home for spring! Test Smoke Detectors Always...
by Susan Denisi | Apr 16, 2021 | HVAC, Tips & Tricks
When spring comes around, most people simply turn off their furnace, open up their windows, and turn their cooling system on when they need it. However, by taking an extra step and investing time and money into your HVAC system this spring, you can reap the benefits...
by Susan Denisi | Apr 9, 2021 | HVAC, Tips & Tricks
While most people can sense that spring has arrived from the change in temperature and puffy clouds, those with allergies can always tell ahead of time from their stuffy noses and incessant sneezing. Additionally, if you own animals, then you’ve most likely noticed an...
by Susan Denisi | Apr 2, 2021 | HVAC
Wondering why your furnace keeps blowing a fuse? Electrical problems with a furnace are usually an easy fix, however, if left unchecked they can easily become a huge and costly hassle. At Newark-Heath Heating & Cooling, we address electrical issues daily,...