Top Causes of AC Failure

Top Causes of AC Failure

On a day-to-day basis, if you are like most homeowners, you don’t give your air conditioner a great deal of attention or reflection. Nonetheless, if it gets hot outside, you expect it to keep you nice and cool and comfortable. At Newark-Heath Heating & Cooling, we...
It Isn’t Too Late for an A/C Tuneup

It Isn’t Too Late for an A/C Tuneup

Summertime has finally arrived here in the Buckeye Nation! And while this means festivities, cook-outs, fireworks, and all sorts of outdoor fun, it also means sweltering heat is on the horizon. If you’ve lived in Ohio for long, you know what we are talking...
5 Signs You Need an AC Repair

5 Signs You Need an AC Repair

Is your A/C blowing out warm air, making strange sounds or smells, or gathering water around the unit? If so, you’re in the right place. Throughout our many years of excellent customer service experience, we find that usually an A/C system will begin giving a...