Common Furnace Myths

One of the new expenses that accompany homeownership is making repairs. Unfortunately, there’s no landlord to call if your roof leaks or your toilet is clogged. The truth is, many other maintenance tasks take place when owning a home. For example, your furnace is used consistently for about half the year; since this is a fact, Newark-Heath Heating & Cooling understands how important it is to bust common myths you’ve heard in regards to your residential furnace. 

Myth 1: Your Furnace May Last For Decades 

This one is for sure a myth. Most people think as long as I maintain my furnace or get it professionally looked at each year, it will last decades. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Yes, your furnace is likely to last you between 10 and 15 years; however, that’s the average lifespan of those machines. If your furnace is 15 years or older, it may be getting inefficient or even become a dangerous fire hazard. 

Myth 2: If You Want To Get Warm Fast, Crank Up the Thermostat

The sad truth is that cranking the thermostats up higher does not do the trick. All you are doing is overworking your system. The best way to warm your home is to keep the thermostat set at a comfortable temperature all the time. Our professionals suggest between 70-72 degrees Fahrenheit.

Myth 3: Changing Your Air Filter Doesn’t Make Much Difference 

Cleaning your filter is more than just something you need to do because it makes sense. You do this to keep your furnace running smoothly. Dirty filters can reduce your air quality and will end up working your furnace over time. 

Myth 4: It’s Normal – And Unavoidable – To Have Cold Feet and Cold Floors In The Winter 

Your furnace should be heating your whole house. So, this means that all areas in your home should give you comfort. If it isn’t, this means you need an expert to check out the insulation inside your home. So, be sure to get your home heating, and cooling system checked out so you can have a warm, cozy and comfortable winter. 

Since you can’t just call your landlord anymore, it’s best to revise your mind about all the myths you may have heard in regards to your furnace. Use this blog as your new tool of facts from the professionals. 

Have you thought of more myths you’ve heard and need expert advice?

If so, call Newark-Heath Heating & Cooling today at (740) 212-5849, or schedule an appointment now by clicking here!

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